Terms of Use

Terms of use of online services www.marietatedenac.com

By using the website, or more precisely online service marietatedenac.com, you agree to the following terms:

Content protection: Texts, photographs, videos, any copies of any works and any other materials available, either directly or through a hyperlink, on the website https://marietatedenac.com (Website) or any part thereof, are protected by copyright in benefit of the Website (Materials). Any use of the Materials or parts thereof, including, but not limited to, modification, processing, incorporation, reproduction, distribution, exhibition, distribution by any means or access for any purpose (whether commercial or non-commercial) is prohibited and requires the prior written consent of the Website operator, if it is not a citation within the limits of § 31 of Act. No. 121/2000 Coll., Copyright Act, as amended, sharing that is expressly permitted on the website marietatedenac.com (typically, for example, through icons placed next to posts and allowing their sharing on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter or Google+) or simply displaying marietatedenac.com content for personal information purposes. Send any request for consent to use the protected content of the Website to eshop@marietatedenac.com. The operator of the Website reserves the right not to give consent.

Website protection: The purpose of the Web is the presentation of glass products and the possibility of purchasing them through the e-shop (Purpose). It is forbidden to use the marietatedenac.com website that is contrary to or outside the scope of the Purpose, in particular it is forbidden to interfere with the operation of the Web and online Web services in any way or disrupt them by any means (such as spam, hacking, viruses, spyware or other means capable of jeopardizing the operation of the Web’s online services). It is forbidden to interfere with the programming of the website and in any way to reproduce, translate, process, change, make copies, decompile or otherwise use it in any other way that is not in accordance with the Purpose.

Third Party Services: In order to continually improve our services, in some cases we use the services of the following third parties (Google Analytics, ExactMetrics and Facebook pixel) to provide anonymous statistical information about your user behavior. The Google Analytics User Policy is available here: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US. By using our online services, you agree to this policy. However, if you do not agree to these policies, please do not use the online services of the Website.

Discussions, comments, posts: You can express your opinion, discuss, and send feedback on posts published there on the Web (for example, at places where you post comments) and on social networks related to the Web. In any case, avoid insulting other discussants, vulgarities, racist, xenophobic or disparaging minorities, gender, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, or other excessive, intolerant, illegal or immoral expressions. The operator reserves the right to hide or remove from its websites and social networks any posts that do not comply with the above principles, or to block the authors of similar posts.

Applicable law: These terms of use are governed by Czech law.